About Henry J Kamara
Henry J. Kamara is a British-born and London based Sierra Leonean artist, creative director and teacher creating still and moving image. With a keen passion for documenting major events and personalities, he is particularly interested in society (music and sport), politics and conflict.
With a degree in English and creative writing, Henry believes every image has the potential to tell a story. His attention to detail and intimate portraiture style enables him to craft photography with a depth and realness seldom achieved within traditional commercial photography.
Determined to position the world through alternative lenses and unearth lost stories, Kamara has been able to merge his love for storytelling and documentary with his ability to create engaging commercial imagery. As a result of this, he has been entrusted to tell stories with brands such as Apple, Beats, Youtube, Nike and more.
Believing his art is a vessel for sharing and making, Kamara dedicated the last year to help the Story of Me project, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation which aims to decolonise the Literacy school curriculum in diverse areas. Teaching over 150 student across two primary schools in Barking whilst regularly consulting with teachers about how change can be created in the classroom, he hopes it will lay the foundations for future work in holistic education.
His debut book Bondo Bye Bye is set to release this year.
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