About OneVillage Partners
Our Mission & Vision - We catalyze community-led transformation in rural Africa. We envision the people of rural Africa engaged in building thriving, connected, and resilient communities.
Our Work - We partner with rural communities in the eastern region of Sierra Leone. Through our inclusive approach to development, our programs are community-led. We empower local leaders to address self-defined challenges in their communities and create opportunities for women’s economic empowerment.
Our Impact - 7 in 10 individuals in our partner communities saw a reduction in diarrheal disease after constructing toilets and clean water wells. Our work goes beyond the numbers, and is built on the ingredients of building thriving and resilient communities.
Our Team - We are grateful for the bold, charismatic, and generous staff and Board who believe no challenge is too big. Together, we contribute to building thriving, resilient communities.
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Jill LaLonde, Executive Director, and Bernadette Mustapha, NOW Program Manager, share updates about the accomplishments ...